How to Prevent Glaucoma

Preventing Glaucoma

The optic nerve which is a part of the central nervous system, along with the brain and the spinal cord, does not regenerate once it’s damaged. Therefore, preventing the optic nerve damage as much as it’s in your control is crucial. How can you prevent glaucoma? Avoid those items listed above in the “Possible Causes!” Finding the root causes of other illnesses and healing them naturally is another wise way of preventing glaucoma.

  • Manage your blood pressure and maintain good blood circulation.
  • Heal nearsightedness (Myopia) and middle-/old-age sight naturally with Natural Vision Improvement method.
  • Prevent injuries to the face.
  • Avoid toxins, heavy metals, steroid and harmful pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, no smoking/drugs, etc.
  • Drink plenty of water and breathe in fresh air.
  • Eat healthy – Organic fresh juice and raw vegan food are the best choice to improve the blood flow and to deliver good nutrients to the eyes and optic nerve.
  • Avoid sugar and other foods which cause inflammation, artery clogging and blood constriction.
  • Keep good attitude and peaceful mindset.


With love and seeing,

Mimi Shekoski, PhD, Natural Vision Teacher | Holistic Natural Health Doctor
