Testimonials from Dr. Mimi’s 4-Weekly Classes
***** To see student’s vision improvement in 3 weeks – nearsighted, presbyopia, and bifocals – taught by Dr. Mimi, in May 2019 – click here.
***** To see student’s vision improvement in 3 weeks – nearsighted, presbyopia, astigmatism, and bifocals – taught by Dr. Mimi, in summer of 2017, click here.
***** Written testimonials from students – nearsighted, farsighted, presbyopia, astigmatism, and bifocals – 4 weekly class taught by Dr. Mimi, in spring of 2018 :
“I’ve been practicing Dr. Bates Method over 10 years. When I first started years ago, I couldn’t even see the first letter on Snellen Eye Chart. I made a lot of progress enough to be able to see 20/50 line. But my progress stopped a couple of years ago. Attending Dr. Mimi’s class, my progression continued. In 3 weeks, I’m almost 20/20. Thank you, Dr. Mimi.” –Malron
“My vision is much better. I am comfortable in seeing without my eyeglasses. This class was very empowering. I only used glasses for distance, but easily released this belief and now drive comfortably without them. I highly recommend this class for anyone wearing glasses. I am 72 years old and it is never too late to improve your vision or to learn new things Thank you!” –Agnes
“I have worn farsighted glasses since first grade. I have blurry vision in both near and far. I am 68 years old so didn’t think I could improve my eyesight until taking Dr. Mimi’s class. Finding time to practice as much as I should was difficult, but I did make the time. Now after 3 weeks, I can see better both near (at least 2 lines lower) and my blurry vision went away. I see better in general in more relaxed way. This class was extremely helpful. I learned so many things and I’d recommend it to everyone.” –J. L.
“I can see a lot better without glasses after taking this class. The most difficult thing to do while I was improving my vision was to make sure to practice every day. This class was very helpful and now I can read the second to the last line on the near vision chart (print size 4).” –annoymous
“By taking this course, I improved my near vision to be able to read size 4 font while converged and size 6 font regularly, whereas I read size 10-12 font at best before the workshop. My far vision is also excellent, be able to read line 11 on Snellen chart, 20/10!” –annoymous
“Hi, Mimi! I continue to be glasses-free. In fact, the other day I wanted to find the expiration day on a coupon with white lettering on pastel blue background. (What designer thought that would be a good idea?!?) Even with the low contrast print, I was able to read the expiration date in size 3 or 4 font. [I have also gotten pretty darned good at tossing/catching the juggling ball one-handed with either hand! 🙂 ] The strategy that seems most effective for me when my vision blurs is sketching. I do it for a minute or so at far, middle, and near distances and my eyesight clears right away. I am also paying attention to the metaphor of focusing on just one thing at a time as I go through my day for greater clarity of goals and greater productivity. 😉
Thank you for providing this workshop and vision training. I am loving being glasses-free!” — Deb S.
Testimonials from Individual Coaching Sessions 
From -5 diopters with -1.75 astigmatism to NO glasses after five Zoom-sessions in 3 months
“I got glasses when I was 11. I have been doing some eye exercises I saw on YouTube since 2015. I felt like I was slowly making progress, but things were still very blurry and my last appointment in 2021 with the optometrist said that I was -5.0 diopters with -1.75 astigmatism. I wanted to get some professional help so I can eliminate my need for glasses and also wanted to regain the health of my eyes as I’m in front of the computer 14-16 hours a day and I feel so much pain in my eyes at the end of each workday. So I searched around and found Dr. Mimi. I just finished my 5 sessions with Dr. Mimi. The progress I made in the last 3 months has been amazing. In the beginning, I listened to Dr. Mimi and didn’t wear glasses as much as I could but still wore -1.0 diopter glasses just to see my coworkers faces at work. But now, I don’t wear glasses at all. Not only the distance vision, but my reading vision also improved to be able to read small prints which I couldn’t before. My eye pain after working long hours at computer also reduced quite a bit, by following Dr. Mimi’s Computer Eyestrain Relief video program. People say I look much happier too. It seems like improving my eyesight also improved my job and life in general.”
–Amir S. NYC
My 7 years old daughter loved her eyesight improvement naturally after experiencing 3-hours long exhausting eye test at eye clinic
“My daughter Vanecia, recently had 3 hour long eye test. They used eye drops and ran all sorts of eye test. My girl was so upset and tired, she even cried towards the end of the eye test. They said she needed glasses, but I refused. Instead I brought her to Dr. Mimi. Spending about 2 hours with Dr Mimi, Marina improved from reading 20 line from about 4 feet to reading 20 line from almost 20 feet away! Anther best part is Vanecia loved all activities she did in Dr. Mimi’s office. Why couldn’t they do the similar thing rather than making kids upset and tired and then prescribe glasses?”
–MaryAnn M. Crystal Lake, IL
63 years old sharing her progress and overwhelmed feeling , thinking how much she has missed by wearing glasses all those years
“After experiencing vision improvement while I was at Dr. Mimi’s the first time. I stopped wearing glasses. When I drive, I just put glasses (-3 diopters in both eyes) by me just in case. I’ve been fine without glasses, doing things and driving. I feel more relaxed now that I’m not wearing glasses. At my second session, I told Mimi that I got emotional for 2 days after my first session, and cried thinking about all those school days when I couldn’t see and had to wear glasses that I hated. I am 63 years old, and those school days memory still hunts me. I get flash of clear sight only in a week of practicing a few techniques Mimi showed me. I feel more comfortable looking at people’s face now without glasses on. It seems I can relate to others more easily without glasses. At the 3rd session, I reported to Mimi that I’m seeing better enough that I don’t use glasses at all except when cleaning the house. My friends say I look much better, more relaxed, and my eyes look much bigger. At the 4th session, I told Mimi that I’m experiencing more flash of clarity. Watching the same movie, I notice things I never noticed before. While driving or at the grocery store, I sees things clearly. This makes me feel overwhelmed and think what and how much I have missed and that everyone must be seeing the world differently now that many people wear glasses.”
–Terry W. Wheeling, IL
Cataract surgery fixed with Mono resulted in much deteriorated reading vision
“Six months ago, I had Cataract surgery fixed with Mono – Left eye was fixed for near and Right eye was fixed for distance. Now I ‘m using thick prescription reading glasses. My distance vision was getting blurry as well. At the end of my 30 minute session with Mimi, I could read 20/20 for my distance vision and my reading vision improved drastically – I could read font size 7 with both eyes (in the beginning of the session I could read font size 11 with both eyes and left eye, and my right eye font 17). I cannot believe my vision can improve that much in such a short 30 minutes! I happened to accompany my wife to Mimi’s office. I’ve never thought my vision could improve, especially after the cataract surgery!”
–John S. Michigan
My reading vision improved a lot in 2 one-hour sessions
“For a long time, I’ve been told by my eye doctors that I needed glasses for reading. Having one hour session one day and another one next day with Mimi, my reading vision improved: Both eyes from font size 8 to font size 6; Left better eye from font 9 to font 6; Right weaker eye from font 14 to 8. Amazing! I’m extremely happy about my improvement. I’ll practice what Mimi showed me so I can read font size 3.”
–Catherine S. Michigan
My eyesight improved practicing with my son and no more headaches
“I’ve been wearing glasses for a long time (last Rx was OD: -6.00 -1.75 008; OS: -6.00 -1.50 178). Practicing simple techniques I learned from Dr. Mimi with my son, within a short time, my vision also improved and now I’m wearing -5.0 diopter (1 diopter lower) glasses. Another cool thing is that I followed Dr. Mimi’s suggestion and ordered a new pair with no astigmatism. What a difference it made! I always had headaches with glasses on, now they are gone and I feel SO MUCH BETTER.”
–Eunice N. Wisconsin
Improved sight from -6,5 and -6.75 with astigmatism to -4.5 for driving and -3.5 in less than 2 weeks after only one Zoom session.
“Dear Dr. Mimi, I received step down prescription glasses 2 days ago. I am pretty comfortable using them. I am using 4.5 while driving, at work or any outside home activities. It is very very comfortable, although I was wearing glasses -6.5 and -6.75 with astigmatism until 10 days ago. At home sometime I use 4.5 but majority of the time I use 3.5 or try not to use glasses. I doing all the homework, weekends are even better as I do very relaxed throughout the day. I noticed a major difference in reading the chart today. Thanks very much for helping me change my life. Warmest regards”
–Siri. Canton, OH
Enjoying the 3-D perception I never had in my whole life
“I had a Lasik done at the age of 26 after wearing glasses since 14. Only 3 years later I started experiencing vision deterioration and this time bad astigmatism. I’ve been wearing glasses (again) for the last 7 years with these corrections. Practicing Dr. Mimi’s coaching material in one session, my astigmatism seems to be gone and now I see 3-D which I have never experienced before in my whole life. I love it. It’s amazing experience every day.”
–Ava, MI
Seven years old improving distance vision by one diopter in a week and loving the practices
“My 7 year old son Adam and I had major break through after an in-person session with Dr. Mimi. Adam has been wearing -2 diopter glasses for the last 2 years. After a week of practicing what Dr. Mimi showed us, now Adm can read-1.0 line on eye chart and see much better in overall. Before he wore glasses all day at school and at home, now he wears only at school. Soon he’ll be in summer break , and he’ll follow Dr. Mimi’s advice not to wear glasses at all for faster improvement. Adam loves practicing the techniques with charts, and other goodies Dr. Mimi gave us. The way he has been improving only in a week, he’ll be out of glasses very soon, as Dr. Mimi says. I’m so happy that Adam can play sports and do activities without glasses.”
–Adam’s Mom, OH
Reduced Eye fatigue and astigmatism on horizontal lines
“I would like to share that, earlier I used to notice lot of eye fatigue at the end of the day, that has been very much reduced, i think the consistent 20 min breaks at work help to relax eyes.”
“I did notice that blur is reduced on horizontal lines, lines coming out more solid. Thanks Dr Mimi”
–A. D, Novi, MI
Learned how to relieve digital eye strain and reading font size 4 and 20/13 line in an hour
“I had one hour session with Mimi. In this short hour, I not only learned how to prevent digital eye strain I experience too frequently, and also could read font size 4 prints, which was a pleasant surprise. Mimi also showed me how to see better in distance. I was reading 20/40 line before. At the end of the session, I could read 20/13 line from 20 feet away. Very satisfied!”
–Keith A, Lake in the Hills, IL
Pink eye gone in 3 days
“I got somehow pink eye on my left eye. It was embarrassing and bothersome. Following Dr. Mimi’s advice on using a natural remedy, it was gone within 3-4 days, rather than typical 2 weeks. I was so happy that I could go to work without this awful look in my eye.”
–Janet E, Milwaukee, WI
Even after Mono-Lasik correction, both near and distance vision improved with EFT and Bates Method
“With Lasik, my eye doctor fixed my nearsightedness with mono vision – my left eye to see 20/40 and right 20/20. All was OK for about 10 years. Then after I turned 47, I had to start using reading glasses and magnifying glass to see anything small. Font size 14 was comfortable for me to read. My distance vision started getting blurry, especially when I went thru some emotional traumatic period in my life. When I found out we could improve sight naturally, I searched for the vision teacher. Practicing for about a month or so what Dr. Mimi taught me – the Bates principles, fusion, EFT, and some NLP – my distance vision is now 20/10 with both eyes and can read font size 4 comfortably and in bright light or sunlight, I can read font size 3 (or even size 2 sometimes). I’m glad I found the natural route this time and didn’t’ believe it’s the middle age, that sort of non-sense.”
–Erin S, Grand Rapid, Michigan
Improvement in distance vision
“Probably need to have my eyesight checked, as it seems to have improved significantly. Have developed a strange habit, which I’ve wanted to ask you about. In the course of the day, when looking at something that is reasonably close, I move just outside the perfect vision range slightly into the blur zone and blink until it seems to come into focus. It feels like this is a useful habit. What are your thoughts on this? Really appreciate your help with this eye project!”
Child’s distance vision improvement
“My daughter who is in first grade came home with a note from her teacher that she needs glasses. I didn’t want my little girl to become almost blind like my 19 years-old step daughter who cannot see anything without her glasses. Dr. Mimi spent little over 2 hours, let Emma play fun vision games. At the end of the session, Emma could read the 20/20 line from distance and she didn’t want to go home because she was having so much fun.”
–Emily M. Vernon Hills, Illinois
Fast improvement in Poor reading vision
“I’m in my mid 70’s and have been using reading glasses for many years. After taking Mimi’s class, in a week, my left eye could read font size 20 (it was font 26 a week ago) and my right eye from font size 9 to font 5. With both eyes, now I’m reading font size 5, so no more glasses needed. I’m also seeing things/labels much easily. Now I can focus on strengthening my weak left eye with patching.”
–Ann, Chicago, Illinois
“For about 10 days for total of 7 to 8 minutes a day, I practiced the merging technique Mimi taught us at the “reading fine prints” class. Now I can read small prints! I went to Trader Joe’s today, I could read labels without reading glasses! In the past, I’d whip out my readers with no hesitation. I am so excited!”
— Maggie, Highland Park, Illinois
Fantastic improvement in nearsightedness and history of retinal detachment
“My distance vision improved about 6 to 7 times better within a week! I’ve worn glasses since 4th grade. Twenty years ago at the age of 28, I had retinal detachment in both eyes and had lots of difficulty with my vision after the surgery. I have been learning the Bates Method on my own for the last 12 years and improved my vision from -12 to -8. Recently, I felt like I hit the mental block as my vision level has been stuck in the same range for a long time. After the initial coaching sessions with Dr. Mimi, within a week of diligently practicing some of the techniques Mimi showed me, this is the improvement I got: Last week, I could barely read the line 1, the big E, on the Snellen Chart from 18 inches away. A week later, I reported to Mimi that I could read the line 3 (TOZ) from 4 feet away. Within a week, I also noticed improvements in many other areas such as my tunnel vision seemed lifted away; could recognize and see things surrounding me; could see the tape at the end of my viola which I couldn’t see (even with my glasses on top of contact lenses) for the last 12 years! I also could read the line 32 all the way down to 16 on the Near-Vision-Test Chart at arms-length. Before, every line on the near vision chart was a blur reading from arms-length.
I’m more than ecstatic about my progress and very much committed to do this under Dr. Mimi’s help all the way until I can discard my glasses, which I hope to happen in the next few months.”
Dr. Mimi’s note: This student went from -8D to -6D in a week; to -4.5D in 5 weeks; to using -4D glasses in 7 weeks. Took total of about 6 months to be out of the glasses. Now she enjoys 3-D and depth perception that came with her natural vision improvement as well as no more fear of driving. Great job!
–Sheryl B. Wisconsin
Vision Improvement in nearsightedness, distance vision issues
“My 11 year old son, William, didn’t want to wear glasses his eye doctor prescribed. We searched for a Bates teacher, and found Dr. Mimi. After practicing the homework Dr. Mimi suggested, after a week, William’s vision became 20/13 from 20/40. Amazing, the techniques he practiced was so simple!”
–James F, Virginia
“I searched and found Dr. Mimi in my area. Luckily, it so happened that Mimi was starting a 4 weekly vision classes so I signed up to correct my myopia. After I practiced a simple centralization for a week, my vision improved from -4.5 to about -2. My old glasses felt too strong, so I ordered a weaker pair from ZenniOptical without prescription and cheap price. Doing another week of other simple practices, my vision improved to about -1.00. From -4.5 to -1.0 in 2 weeks is amazing! I’m totally sold to the natural vision and bragging to my friends about it.”
–P. M. Chicago, Illinois
“About a year ago after I turned 43, I started having trouble seeing fine prints. My wife read a book written by Dr. Bates on Natural Vision Improvement, and thought I could be helped and found Dr. Mimi. Mimi said I probably needed 2 sessions to correct this problem as I haven’t worn glasses in the past. Mimi was correct! Within a week of practicing some relaxation and convergence with a chart, I could read the font size 5 prints from normal reading distance. Along with the near vision, my distance vision also improved, now I’m reading 20/13 line on the Snellen Chart 20 feet away, all within a week of time! I love this NVI. My 12 years old son also took the remote Zoom session with Dr. Mimi for his distance vision. He improved his from 20/70 to 20/13 within 2 coaching sessions”
–Dan E. Chapel Hills, North Carolina
Glaucoma and distance vision
“When I went for my annual vision checkup, my optometrist said my eye pressure was high and sent me to a glaucoma specialist. She gave me an eye drop and told me to come back in 3 months and that if the eye drop doesn’t lower my eye pressure, I’ll need to get a laser surgery. I could’t understand why they are going by just one time measure of eye pressure and gave me the eye drop which has 2 pages long of side effects. And the laser surgery on my eye? Luckily I saw Mimi’s natural vision on Natural Awakenings magazine, I cancelled the appointment with the specialist and instead, got an absolutely helpful coaching from Mimi. She taught me how to do simple relaxation techniques that will help me to normalize my eye pressure no matter what happens around me. With those simple things I practiced during the session, I also read 2 lines lower on the chart, improving my eyesight from 20/70 to 20/40. What can I say? It was that simple! Now being able to drive without glasses also sounds fantastic to me!”
–John O. Hoffman Estate, IL
Middle-aged poor reading/near vision
“It was so amazing! After a coaching session with Mimi for an hour, I could see tiny prints! Before this, I could not even read any menus in restaurants without my reading glasses. Small prints without glasses just looked like black lines. Next day, I could also read those unclear pinkish prints in my bible story book, for which I had to use a magnifying glass on top of my reading glasses to read these dim prints before. When Mimi told me it’s very simple to correct old-age sight, I didn’t believe her. How could I read small prints? I’m 67 years old and have been using reading glasses for the last 10+ years! None of my friends of my age can read without glasses! It was almost like a miracle happened to my sight. Mimi showed me a few simple relaxation techniques, asked me to imagine something pleasant, and let me practice with a chart for a while, and that was it. When Mimi said “OK, before you leave, let’s see if you can read small prints,” I could read the whole chart all the way down to the bottom which had small letters and also another hand-held card with very tiny prints. Mimi said “Oh my god, you’re reading the print size 5! When you first came in, you could only read the line with font size 18.” I’m still so amazed and cannot wait to tell my friends.”
–Michelle N., Tamarac, FL
“My sight was 20/70 on left eye; with both eyes, 20/40 on good days or 20/60 on not-so-good-days. I wanted to improve my vision so that I don’t have to wear glasses for anything including driving. I took a Saturday workshop from Mimi. Mimi’s coaching is excellent. The techniques are very comprehensive and I would definitely recommend this workshop to others. After a month of practicing the techniques, I’m no longer squinting and more relaxed in general. When I spoke with Mimi, she recommended doing 2 minutes of sunning and then read the chart in the morning. By practicing this for 3 weeks or so, now I’m reading 20/50 with left eye; and 20/20 with both eyes in good light (20/25 in not good light). I’ll practice what Mimi suggested to strengthen my weak eye. Who knows? my sight might become better than 20/20, once my weak eye catches up.”
–Adrian H, Chicago, IL
“After I spoke with you, I stopped wearing glasses, except for driving. Just not wearing glasses for 3 weeks, I felt my vision was improving enough to lower my prescription. Practicing the techniques you showed me further improved my vision that my glasses felt way too strong when I put them on. I just ordered (very cheap online thru zennioptical.com) 2 pairs of glasses – 6D and -5D with the same strength for both eyes with no astigmatism, as you said I’ll go thru these pairs very quickly. This is totally awesome as mine was -7.5 Left and -7.0 Right with 1.75 astigmatism before I spoke with you. I’m so encouraged and determined to discard these glasses that I have worn since I was a child. Thanks, Mimi.”
–Richard E., St Charles, IL
“My wife and I brought our 10 years old daughter whose sight was -2.0 with slight astigmatism. At the end of the half day session, she could read 20/20! When Mimi told us that Lindsey might be able to read 20/20 line at the end of the session, I was thinking “yeah, right..” Just before we left, Lindsey said “I can read the line 8 on the chart,” and she read the whole line. That was from 20 feet away! Mimi told Lindsey to read the chart for a minute every day so she stays that way or even improve better than 20/20. Great work, Dr. Mimi! Your enthusiasm is very contagious.”
–Tom A., Minneapolis, MN
Iris stuck on the corner for 55 years moved to center during workshop
“I only have the left eye to see. My right eye had a tumor behind it. Started when I was three and by 7 I had surgery to remove the tumor. I was told that the tumor I had was very rare in children. Adults have it. The tumor was chiseled out and they got all they could. It crushed my optic nerve and scar tissue grew behind the right eye. It looks off to the right. My doctors told me all my life that this right eye would never see and its iris would be stuck to the corner forever. During Mimi’s workshop, I don’t know it’s from the deep breathing, palming, visualization, or what, but Mimi said my iris on my right eye moved to the center many times. I also could see Mimi’s hand, not in detail but could tell something was in front of my right eye. I hope to improve my sight in both eyes practicing what I learned from the workshop. I’m so glad I met you, Mimi!”
–Pam. Grey Lake, IL
No more floaters and reading glasses
“I used to see those annoying eye floaters for many years. After practicing what you showed me to improve my eyesight for a couple of months, I don’t notice the floaters anymore. My family says I’m also calmer and happier. Being almost 70 years old, it’s so wonderful that now I can read without glasses as well as getting those extra benefits. Thanks for you lessons!”
–Amy Lombard, Phoenix, Az
Poor reading/near vision
“During the stressful period of my life 8 years ago, my eyesight got deteriorated and I needed glasses to read close. By practicing palming, sunning, swinging, and fusion for about 15 minutes a day for 2 weeks or so, I didn’t need reading glasses anymore. Yay! It’s been a year, still no glasses needed to read close. One thing I still do is palming with deep breathing 2-3 minutes in the morning and at night. Thanks again!”
–Angie Berndt, Barrington, IL
High eye pressure
“Within a week of doing the palming daily, my eyes felt much better. I don’t have Glaucoma, but have high pressure in both eyes. My eyes feel much more relaxed and comfortable now. I used to not being able to work on the computer for very long, but now I can. My eyes don’t feel tired and sore as used to be. I love palming even for 30 seconds whenever my eyes feel tired. Palming not only makes my eyes feel better but it also helps me to relax. Thanks for showing me such an easy way to relax and eliminate eye strain.”
–Victoria Colin, Lake in The Hills, IL
Type II diabetes and retinopathy
“I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 4 years ago at 55 and have developed the retinopathy in my eyes about two years after that. My vision got blurry, started getting more floaters, and eye pain at times. In great fear of losing my eyesight permanently, I searched for holistic care and found you Doc Mimi. Your simple yet very effective natural vision healing techniques and your coaching me to lose weight, detoxify my body, and changing my eating habits helped me tremendously. Following your vision practice and diet suggestions for about 7-8 months got me eliminated the insulin needs and my eye symptoms are also gone. My family was amazed it was that simple and quick! Thank you, Doc Mimi! It wasn’t easy changing almost 60 years long of eating and bad habits, but I’m glad that I got to learn and practice these healthy vision & lifestyle habits. It has been totally worth it!”
—Peter Olson, Woodstock, IL
Dry eyes
“Mimi, I want you to know that now my dry eye problem seems to be gone as well as old-age sight. Cannot pinpoint which helped me but I just practiced relaxation (blinking, yawning, palming) and the chart you told me to do for my closeup reading problem. Now I can read menus and smaller prints, and these also helped me to eliminate the need for the medicated eye drops for my dry eyes. I was still wiping off the tears coming down on my cheeks every 20 minutes or so. Then I remembered you telling me to apply YL’s Frankincense essential oil around the eyes. That must helped even more. I have no more tears coming down on my cheeks. Thanks for saving me from both of my eye problems so simply!”
— Mandy Vickery, Madison, WI
Poor reading/near vision & post-Lasik
“My optometrist told me that I need reading glasses since I’m over 50 now. So I bought a pair of fancy prescription glasses as I could possibly get, but I didn’t enjoy using it. It made me look old and it was a pain in the neck having to carry that around the house and at work. When I found out about the natural vision improvement techniques from you, I was in awe, just because the practices you told me to do were so simple and easy to incorporate in my daily life. It’s like I go to the gym and do yoga for my body and mind. With these natural eye techniques, I’m doing something good for my eyes and my mind as well. Mimi, Thank you! I tossed that fancy reading glasses somewhere in the drawer, don’t need it anymore.”
–Nancy P., McHenry, IL
“I had Lasik about 12 years ago. I loved being free of glasses and contacts until about a year ago when I turned 47. I started needing a weak prescription glasses (+1.25) for reading. The Methods you taught me are helping me read without glasses and are taking a huge strain off my eyes during computer work. Thanks! I am very glad to be off the glasses again.”
–Jeff E., Highland Park, IL
Nearsightedness, distance vision issue
“When my 8 year old daughter Maria started complaining that her vision was blurry, I was worrying “oh no, I don’t want my little girl to wear glasses!” You were so good with Maria. She loved the 3 sessions with you. After 3 weeks, she said her blurred vision was gone. It’s been 5 months, she still sees clearly at school. Thank you for your kind coaching with Maria!”
–Anne Thompson, Deer Park, IL
“Mimi, I wanted to tell you how inspiring you are to people. After listening your talk on natural vision improvement, I was so inspired that I never refilled my prescription for my contacts. I’ve been practicing simple Bates techniques you shared with us, and I’m proud to tell you that my vision has gone from 20/200 (-2.5 diopter) to about 20/60 in just 6 months. Thanks so much!”
–Linda T., Palm Beach, FL
“I have been wearing glasses since my 2nd grade and contacts from my 7th grade. My vision got worse as time went and it was -7.5 in my both eyes when I had the first consultation with you 2 months ago. As my sister’s vision is even worse than mine, -8.0, I thought we were supposed to have poor vision. Don’t remember having much emotional trauma when I was growing up, except my Dad was very strict. After the first Skype session with you, I’ve been trying not to wear glasses and contacts whenever possible in the house, especially at night. I’ve been doing the homework practices as you told me: my vision must got improved because when I put my glasses on, they felt too strong. With your suggestion, I ordered glasses online with -5.5. They feel much better. I’m hoping to get down to even lower ones and finally off them. The way it’s been going, I hope I can get there within a year. This is so cool! Oh, another things helped me was the frankincense oil and emotional clearing using EFT. When you first showed me in Skype, I giggled at it, but now it helps me go through stressful time, minor or major. Thanks so much, Dr. Mimi!”
–Andrea Olson, Coral Springs, FL
“I had Lasik done when I was in my mid-thirties. Before that I used to wear coke-bottle thick glasses. Lasik helped me to get rid of my strong myopia but when I turned mid 40, I started having close-up reading problem. Well, suffice to say, I had more than a dozen of reading glasses around the house and in my office. I got so tired of losing them and cannot read anything small without them, so I was thrilled to find out this middle-age reading problem can be easily fixed. You said the natural vision techniques also help for reducing stress and you were right, it helped me to relax more and not strain my eyes. The reading chart that turns 3D is really cool and that really got my eye muscles toned. I can tell my eyes look more alert and balanced. Practicing this chart 5-10 minutes in daytime and palming and swinging at night just for a few minutes, I don’t need reading glasses any more. Amazing thing is that it took only about a month. Really great techniques you are sharing with people! I love it and tell my friends to try this simple way to get rid of reading glasses. Thanks!!!”
–John Bullock, Madison, WI
“After your vision consultation, I have been practicing the relaxation and fusion techniques for a month now and am very pleased with the results… I can read 20/60 line on the eye chart. I made a huge progress from -3.5, but I still need my reduced glasses to drive, but I can do my computer work without glasses. The eye exercises are obviously helping my eyesight so I intend to continue the routine you taught me so that I can pass the driving test and see anything without glasses someday soon. Thanks for working with me.”
–Andy Butler, Palatine, IL
Floating specks
Those bothersome floating specks in my eyes must had been from my unhealthy body in the past. Now I’m much healthier and leaner by eating better and detoxifying my body periodically, I don’t even remember when I saw those floaters the last time.”
–Paul C., Crystal Lake, IL
Cataract, floaters, and type I diabetes
“During my eye exam, I was told by my eye doctor that I”m developing another cataract in my left eye. I really didn’t want another cataract surgery and wanted to see if I can handle this naturally. I told Dr. Mimi I’ve had type 1 diabetes since I was 5 years old (I’m 53 years old), I could lose some weight, and wanted to clear my cataract naturally this time. Mimi told me I probably could use some gentle detox and change my eating habits. Just by following Mimi’s advice not mixing so many different foods in one meal and taking VitaMineral green powder twice a day for nutrients and alkalizing my body, my insulin level went down from usually 30 ml per day for all these years to between 22 ml to 25 ml. I did this for about a week, and it reduced my insulin needs that much! I couldn’t even do the detox Mimi suggested because I had very bad intestinal issues. I also practiced palming, deep breathing, long swing. and walking as Mimi told me to do. Doing these simple things, the annoying floaters and cloudiness in my left eye’s cleared up as well. I cannot believe how simple and short time it took.”
–Lynn. F., Highland Park, IL
Better vision with EFT
“Wow, what a difference your coaching made to my vision and my life! Your EFT session was amazing! I didn’t know I had all that emotional baggage. You were very skillful in getting to the right spot and helping me to clear out those emotions. Another thing helped me tremendously is the positive affirmation statement you helped me to repeat. Believe it or not, whenever I feel stressed out, I do the quiet tapping and I keep repeating the affirmation. As for my vision, looking at the 3-D chart, now I can see the bottom paragraph even without converging, which means my vision is even better than 20/20. Thanks for all your help! You helped me to become a happier person!”
–Lydia T., Palm Beach, FL
Blurred vision gone with modifying eating habits and stress reduction
“When I went to see my eye doctor because I was experiencing blurred vision occasionally, he told me that my eyes looked OK and that I might be in a beginning stage of diabetes. I didn’t want to be stamped as a diabetic and having to take insulin drugs, so I decided to go holistic route. You taught me how to cut my sugar cravings and eat more wholesome fresh foods every day. That helped! After modifying my eating habits and doing some stress reducing techniques you showed me just for 8 weeks or so, my blurred vision seems to be gone for good. I also lost 20-some pounds and feel much better in many aspects of my life. many thanks!”
–Beth S., Lake Zurich, IL
Blood shot eye, hemorrhage
“I get a red eye once in a while, especially after I travel by a plane. I usually go see an eye doctor to make sure my eyes are OK. They check my eyes and say “your eyes are fine, put some synthetic tear drops and it will go away in 2-3 weeks.” When my eye was blood shot all over my left eye last time, I wanted a holistic opinion of it why I’m getting this embarrassing red eye plus wanted something natural that could make my red eye go away faster. Thanks to you, Mimi! It was amazing to see the red spots disappear slowly within 3 days when I applied Frankincense oil around my eyes a few times a day, as you suggested . You also told me to reduce the intake of Vitamin-E. And since then, I’ve not had red eye for over 2 years. Thank you!!!”
–Tammy W., Crystal Lake, IL
Distance vision improved
“Hi Mimi, my optometrist told me that my vision improved in both eyes. I’m hoping to get rid of my glasses within 6 moths. Thank you for the coaching sessions. You are talented!”
–Susan K., Tamarac, FL
post cataract surgery issue
“After my cataract surgery, a year ago, I was experiencing painful pressure in my eyes at times. After practicing what you taught me, for about 3 weeks, now I don’t feel the pressure anymore. Such a simple and easy technique!”
–Lisa Winburn, Lake in the Hills, IL
Bates method from your speech
“Practicing palming, sunning, and fusion, I feel a tremendous improvement. I’m ready for my second step down in transition glasses. Thanks a lot for your coaching me!”
–Barbara Hilton, IL
Dry eyes after Lasik surgery
“I suffered with this awful dry eyes for 10 years after the Lasik surgery . It got so bad and I was afraid to get infection, etc. My eye doctor put in 2 plugs in each eye 3 years ago. They helped for a while, but then I don’t know what happened. The tears came down to my cheek without my approval :-(, I had to wipe the tears off every 10 minutes. Such a pain because I had to carry Kleenex tissues and wipe off tears on my face where-ever I went and what-ever I did, even during the bowling league. People used to ask me “Are you OK?” They probably thought I was sad or getting emotional or something. Following your suggestions, after each of 4 consultations, doing yawning, palming, swinging, deep breathing, and emotional clearing, I was confident enough to ask my eye doctor to remove the plugs. I still use tear drops twice a day, but that’s all. My eyes seem to produce enough tears on their own doing those simple techniques every day for 3-5 minutes. Such a relief that I don’t have to put up with this tear flowing on my face involuntarily! I really appreciate your help!”
–Mary Schlouch, Tempa, FL