How many coaching sessions do you need?

Children generally require five or less sessions if the child has never worn glasses and just started experiencing blurred vision.

If you have difficulty reading small prints (commonly called presbyopia, middle-age or old-age sight), you’ll be able to read fine prints within a month or more, practicing total of 10 to 15  minutes a day. It could take a little longer if you have been farsighted since childhood or had Lasik surgery done or one eye is much weaker than the other eye. 

If you wear bifocal/progressive lenses and wore single lens glasses for distance, then it’s better to work on your near vision first to get rid of your reading glasses/portion, then the distance. It could take longer for multi-lens wearers to be glasses-free than single lens cases. However, when people improve their closeup/reading vision naturally, their distance vision usually also improve. 

If you have myopia or other vision conditions, it depends on your current vision condition and the level of your commitment to practice simple techniques for 10 to 15 minutes daily and keep your good vision habits. Most people find having six to ten sessions very helpful towards reaching their vision goal whether it’s passing the driver’s test without glasses; reducing the prescription of glasses; or obtaining natural clarity thus be able to get rid of glasses/contacts for good.

In general, the more time you’re committed to practice the suggested homework, the shorter it’ll take to improve your eyesight to the point of eliminating the need for glasses/contacts/surgery. Also you’ll get faster results and continue to succeed, by having coaching sessions one to two weeks apart consecutively.